
Friendly Pines Camp

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Camp
What is Friendly Pines Camp?
Friendly Pines Camp is a traditional, independent, residential summer camp for boys & girls ages 6-14. We have been family-owned and operated since 1941. The camp is accredited through the American Camp Association (ACA) and we are a member of the Western Association for Independent Camps (WAIC).

For 80+ years, we’ve been providing unforgettable experiences for campers from not only all over Arizona, but all over the world.

We are located approx. 6 miles south of Prescott, Arizona in the beautiful Bradshaw Mountain range.
Do you do group & facility rentals?
Yes! The camp is available for rentals hosted by CampWay. You can contact them with the info below:



(928) 442-7979

CampWay was started by two former FPC staff members Jonathan Pierson and Matt Gilmer. They operate all group rentals & cabin rentals through their own company, CampWay. Friendly Pines Camp remains to operate its summer camp business during the summer months, with CampWay operating group and facility rentals from early August – early May.
Can we visit camp before it starts?

Yes you can! You must book an individual camp tour ahead of time but you are definitely welcome to come see the grounds! We will also have an Open House event that you can attend. Your family is welcome to come to either or both!


Open House

TBD 2025


Click here to RSVP for our Annual Open House!


Camp Tours

Our camp tours typically last anywhere from 45-60 minutes.

The terrain is hilly and rocky, so please be sure to wear appropriate shoes and be prepared to walk for the entirety of the tour. A restroom is available for use, but we advise you use one before you arrive.

Please adhere to these protocols

  • All guests must be accompanied by at least one FPC Director at all times; no wandering on their own
  • Tour slots are limited to one family/household per slot. Slots are available on a first come first serve basis
  • Tours must be scheduled with at least 24 hours notice. Spontaneous showings will unfortunately not be possible
  • Dogs are not allowed, even on a leash

We appreciate your patience and adherence to these policies.

If you cannot find a time or day that fits your schedule, please feel free to give us a call at (928) 445-2128 or email info@friendlypines.com.

Click here to sign up for a camp tour!

What's a typical daily schedule?
Our days at camp are BUSY! Scroll through a typical daily schedule below
7:00 AM
7:00 AM

Rising Bell

The Big Bell is used for wake-up and gathering at the benches

7:35 AM
7:35 AM

Flag Raising on Ball field

7:45 AM
7:45 AM


Typical full breakfasts may include:

  • Pancakes
  • Eggs
  • Hashbrowns
  • Cereal
  • Juice
  • Fruit
8:30 AM
8:30 AM

Cabin Clean-up

9:20 AM
9:20 AM

First Activity Period Begins

On the first day of camp, each camper will receive a personalized schedule of their activities. Every activity change will be signaled by the ringing of the “activity bell.”
10:20 AM
10:20 AM


Camp provides two nutritious snacks each day:

  • Fruit
  • Crackers
  • Trail Mix
  • Popsicles
10:30 AM
10:30 AM

Second Activity Period Begins

Some activities such as Challenge, Canoeing, Waterskiing, and Hiking require two periods and will bring snack with them.

11:30 AM
11:30 AM

Re-Group, Free time, & Clean Up for Lunch

Campers will re-group with their counselor and cabin mates at their designated meeting spots before heading back to the cabin. During free time campers can play games, play gaga ball, visit the Library, prepare cheers and skits, and get cleaned up for meals. The Clean Up Bell lets everyone know it's time to get ready for the meal.

12:00 PM
12:00 PM


Lunches at camp can include:

  • Soup
  • Grilled Cheese
  • Hamburgers
  • Chicken Sandwiches
  • Stew
  • Juice

At the end of lunch there is time for announcements and counselors lead camp songs 

1:00 PM
1:00 PM


Every afternoon following lunch is Siesta. Campers and counselors retire to their cabins (or hammocks as a special treat) to rest, write letters home, and read.

2:20 PM
2:20 PM

Third Activity Period Begins

The afternoon activities begin after snack signaled by the “activity bell”.
3:30 PM
3:30 PM

Fourth Activity Period Begins

If campers want to change an activity their counselor will help them fill out the schedule change form at the Program Office.
4:30 PM
4:30 PM

Re-Group, Free time, & Clean Up for Dinner

PM Free time is when cabin groups will prepare for the evening activity, play games on the ball field, or hang out in the cabin and get ready for dinner.
5:15 PM
5:15 PM

Flag lowering on Ball field

5:30 PM
5:30 PM


Friendly Pines Camp serves wonderful dinners like:

  • Chicken
  • Roast Beef
  • Spaghetti
  • Stir-Fry
  • Salad
  • Homemade Rolls
  • Plenty of Veggies
  • Homemade Dessert
6:45 PM
6:45 PM

Evening Activity

Some of our various evening activities include Games on the Meadow, Upper Village Picnic, Carnival, Rendezvous, Talent Show, Round Dance

8:10 PM
8:10 PM

Retire to Cabins & Get Ready for Bed

9:00 PM
9:00 PM

Lights Out

You'll need plenty of sleep before you do it all again tomorrow!

What is the camp property like?

Friendly Pines Camp is nestled high in the Bradshaw Mountain Range in Prescott. We are situated at 6,300″ elevation, tucked between Spruce Mountain and Bean Peak in the Prescott National Forest.

The camp has dining, sleeping and activity areas available for over 300 people. Insulated redwood cabins with indoor bathrooms provide for ample sleeping space, in cabin groups of 4 to 8, depending on age. The buildings are rustic but well-constructed. Electric power and hot water are supplied. Cabin Villages are organized by age and separated by gender.

A sanitary, modern kitchen serves delicious meals family-style in the Dining Lodge. The Pavilion is where arts, crafts, dance, singing, and drama activities take place, and frequently is the site of evening activities. The Infirmary, where a camp nurse is always on duty, offers a bright and cheerful retreat if first aid or bed rest for minor indisposition is needed. Emergency paramedics are just a few blocks away at the Groom Creek Fire Station and the physicians and hospital of Prescott are only a fifteen minute drive away. The Log House provides for staff housing and meeting space. There are two tennis courts and a heated swimming pool. Groom Creek runs for a mile through our property ending in our lake. There are separate Western, English, Vaulting, and Pony-Cart arenas, and corrals for our 50+ head of horses. We have 3 secure ranges for our Riflery, BB, and Archery programs. Our own deep wells supply us with fresh, clean water.

We think our facilities are unmatched in the state. You’ll think so too, once you have come to see them for yourself. Visitors are welcome at any time year-round (with prior appointment). Sign up here for a camp tour!

What is the weather like?

We are blessed with perfect days throughout most of the year. Our summer highs are usually in the mid- to upper-80ºFs, and nights can be as cool as the low-60ºFs. There are an average of 277 days of sunshine a year in Prescott.  


Our cabins do not have air conditioning, but they are equipped with fans. Cabin windows also open and the screens provide a comforting air flow. 


We do get monsoons usually in the late summer; usually after the 4th of July through the end of September. As surprising as it might seem, rain jackets are a must-pack item for camp, regardless of what session you attend! 

How do I enroll?

All enrollments are done online! You will create an account and put your desired session(s) in your ‘shopping cart’, then you’ll check out to complete enrollment.


The link above takes you to the online enrollment portal where you’ll make an account AND log back in to fill out paperwork in the lead up to camp. Be sure to save that site to your bookmarks; you can also find the link at the top of every page of friendlypines.com (just click the “ENROLL NOW” button, even for returning campers), as well as under the “Current Families” tab at the top of each webpage. 

The enrollment process is very straightforward and easy to complete. We do recommend you complete your camper’s enrollment on a desktop computer browser, but the process can be done on a mobile device. We no longer do paper or mail in enrollments. If you have any trouble though, please don’t hesitate to call or email us! 

FYI: A common problem parents run into is an error message saying that no sessions are available for their camper; 9 times out of 10, the camper’s birthdate was incorrectly entered. Be sure to double check that!

If your enrollment was successful, you should receive a confirmation email stating so. Please email info@friendlypines.com if you do not receive this confirmation email!

What do I have to pay upon enrollment?
For complete session tuition information, please visit our dates & rates page.

A deposit for each camper is due upon enrollment. A secondary deposit is required March 1st, & your remaining balance is due May 1st.

Most choose to pay by credit card pr e-check online during the enrollment process, but you can also mail in a check.

For Family Camp sessions, a deposit is due upon enrollment. Remaining balance due/cancellation date is June 15th.

What's your cancellation policy?

Campers can cancel and receive a refund, but the amount is dependent on the date of cancellation. If you cancel before January 1st, your camper will receive a full refund, less the $100 per camper cancellation fee. As we progress further into the spring, more of the tuition becomes non-refundable and serves as the “cancellation fee” in the event of a cancellation. See the table below to see cancellation fee/non-refundable tuition amount by date. 

per camper
Initial deposit
becomes non-refundable
(per camper)
BOTH Deposits (Initial
+ Secondary; per camper)
become non-refundable
The ENTIRE Tuition Balance
(per camper) is due &
becomes non-refundable

Purchase Tuition Insurance here!

Please see our Family Camp info page for cancellation fees for those sessions.

How do I make a payment or change my payment method?
Give us a call at (928) 445-2128!

We’ll be happy to take your credit card number over the phone and/or update your payment info. 

What's the difference between your sessions?

All of our sessions are virtually the same; food and lodging is included, campers live in a cabin of similarly aged children, and they participate in a variety of different activities as well as evening activities like the Overnight Campout, Round Dance, Carnival, Talent Show, and Rendezvous.

All sessions, unless otherwise specified, are for children ages 5-14.
Session Descriptions
Two-Week Sessions:

A 13-night program where campers ages 5-14 get to create their own daily schedule by choosing from our 30+ activity offerings. This is our most popular program, as the children get a real taste of the camp magic, and is a great option even for first-time campers! Our most popular sessions.

ONE-Week Sessions:

A 6-night program similar to our two-week session, just in half the time; still available for campers aged 5-14. One-week campers do have some specific one-week activities (horses, target sports, ropes course), but also do get mixed in with the two-week campers for most other activities (hiking, water sports, arts & crafts, etc.). A popular session with our first-time campers.

The names of the sessions (Pioneer vs. Explorer or Trailseeker A vs. Trailseeker B) are simply used to determine the specific session in question; there is no difference between any of the weeks each session name represents.

PLEASE NOTE: All one week-campers live with other one-week campers. i.e. if friends want to be in the same cabin as one another, they must be enrolled in the same type of session. We cannot house a camper signed up for a two-week session with a camper here for a one-week session.

Adventure Camp Session:

A 6-night traditional Friendly Pines Camp program where campers, ages 5-14, will have their 5 favorite activities daily, rather than 8 activities broken up into 4 periods every other day; this is the only major difference from a one-week session, and allows the campers to have 5 activity periods in a day instead of 4. Popular with returning and first-time campers alike.

A common question we get is “Why does this session cost less?”. Adventure Camp happens at what we consider an “awkward” time of year…not all of the Arizona schools (or schools in other states for that matter!) are out by the end of May. We lower the price compared to our other sessions in hopes of attracting more people to this somewhat less-busy week. Same quality of program, mostly the same activities, just a less “desirable” time of year!

Adventure TRAILS Session:

A 6-night program for campers, ages 10-16, that focuses on horseback riding, horsemanship, and horse care. Campers that love horses, have extensive prior experience with horses, and want to ride all day, every day usually go for this session. Campers who like horses, but don’t have much experience with them OR want to participate in our other activities should choose a different two- or one-week session; these campers can still sign up for plenty of horse activities! Very limited enrollment; Previous horse riding experience & extensive time spent around horses necessary for participation.

PLEASE NOTE: Adventure Trails campers are given a set schedule; they do not choose their own activities, and their week-long schedule is comprised of ONLY horse activities. If your camper wants to do anything else, like the Ropes Course, swimming, arts & crafts, etc., or have any “say” in their schedule, they must sign up for any of our other sessions. 

“Why does this session cost as much as a normal one-week session, even though it has the same dates as Adventure Camp?”  Despite the fact Adventure Trails happens during that “awkward” time of year we mentioned before, this is a HIGHLY specialized session, with extremely limited enrollment. Extra planning, staff, and resources go into making the Adventure Trails session a success, and our rate reflects this.

Family Camp Sessions:

For info on Family Camp, please visit this webpage.

Session Comparisons
"A" 1-Week
"B" 1-Week
2-Week Sessions
Ages 5-14
Ages 10-16
"A" 1-Week
"B" 1-Week
2-Week Sessions
  • Individual schedule comprised of 5 activity periods
  • 5 Activity Periods per day
  • 50-minute periods.
  • Individual schedule comprised of 8 Activity periods
  • 4 activity periods per day
  • Alternate each day
  • 60-minute periods
  • Activity Placements (the ability to be placed in an advanced class for certain activities)
  • Previous Horse Experience Required
  • Fixed Activity Schedule (Campers don't get to select activities.)
Special Events
"A" 1-Week
"B" 1-Week
2-Week Sessions
Overnight Campout
Quiet Place
Special (Theme) Days
Ring Rendezvous
Lake Rendezvous
Stick Dedication
Camper Talent Show
"A" 1-Week
"B" 1-Week
2-Week Sessions
Green FPC Shirt on Arrival
FPC Camper Year Shirt on Departure
Memory Poster (received at camp)
Memory Book (received at camp; opportunity for friends to sign)
Memory Book (mailed after camp)
"A" 1-Week
"B" 1-Week
2-Week Sessions
Laundry 1/2 way through session
Bus as Departure Day transportation option
What age can my camper come to camp?

All of our programs are for boys & girls ages 5-14. Our Adventure Trails session is for boys & girls ages 10-16. 

How do waitlists work?

Some sessions will have waitlists. Particularly sessions that are in ‘desirable’ times during the summer, or offer a specific program (like Adventure Trails, our horse-specific session). 

We send out monthly Enrollment Update emails to notify current & prospective families on the enrollment or waitlisting status of each of our sessions. To make sure you receive those emails, be sure to join our mailing list!

You can also check the availability of each session on our Dates & Rates webpage. 

The likelihood of getting into a session you’re waitlisted for is hard to call; there are so many factors that go into waitlist movement. It depends on the year, the session, and how much before or after the cancellation deadlines (March 1st and/or May 1st) we’re at. We’ve had waitlists in the past that had 15 people who all eventually were able to get into the session, but conversely, we’ve had waitlists of one person that never had any movement. So determining how likely your camper is to get in to a specific session is really not always possible to determine. 

There is no penalty for waitlisting, nor is there any money that has to be put down to reserve a spot on the waitlist. If you’re at all interested in potentially getting into a specific session, it is in your best interest to at least get on the waitlist. We will email all campers on a given waitlist first, should spots open up. You can register as normal; upon ‘check out’, you will select the waitlist option right in your shopping cart. You can also enroll for a session that does have availability AND the session that you’re actually interested in but has a waitlist; if a spot opens, we will be able to manually switch your registration. That way you can still get a spot somewhere during the summer.

PLEASE NOTE: FPC reserves the right to close any and all waitlists at any point during the enrollment season. If you’re at all interested in a session, whether it’s waitlisting or not, do not hesitate to register today! 

If you have questions about the waitlist or what position you’re currently in, please contact info@friendlypines.com or call us at (928) 445-2128. 

When does next summer's enrollment open?

We usually open enrollment for the following summer in September each year! It’s in your best interest to sign up for our email list so you don’t miss out when we announce open enrollment!

The earlier you enroll, the better! Some of our sessions may be full within days of enrollment opening.

How do I get my camper onto a waitlist?

To sign up for a waitlisting session, you’ll actually register as normal; use the “ENROLL NOW” button at the top of this page. Upon ‘check out’, you will select the waitlist option right in your shopping cart.

Registering for a waitlist is best if you do it yourself through our online portal, as opposed to you simply emailing or calling us asking to put your camper on a waitlist. However, if you run into any problems during the online sign up process, you can of course call us!

You may sign up for as many or as few session waitlists as you like.

How likely is it for spots to open up?

The likelihood of getting into a session you’re waitlisted for is hard to call; there are so many factors that go into waitlist movement. It kind of depends on the year, the session, and how much before or after the cancellation deadline (March/May 1st) we’re at. We’ve had waitlists in the past that had 15 people who all eventually were able to get into the session, but conversely, we’ve had waitlists of three that never had any movement. So determining how likely your camper is to get in to a specific session is really not always possible to determine.

How will I know if my camper has gotten into a session?

Friendly Pines will contact you if a spot opens up for your camper.

We will first send an email to the address you used to register for the waitlist to notify you of the open spot. If you haven’t received an email from us, then a spot has not yet opened and your camper is still on the waitlist. If we need to, we may call you to make sure you got our email.

You will have 24 hours to accept the spot before we move on to the next camper on the list. Please reply to the email we send you to accept the spot. We prefer an email acceptance to a phone call, purely so we have the open slot acceptance in writing with an easily identifiable paper trail.

Deposit payment will be due upon acceptance of a spot.

  • Before March 1st: Initial Deposit Due
  • After March 1st, before May 1st: Initial + Secondary Deposit Due
  • After May 1st: Final payments will be due within 7 days of accepting the open slot

If you’re interested to see what number your camper is on a given list, please email info@friendlypines.com. Be sure to include your camper’s first & last name in the email request so we can look them up.

FPC will email campers on a given waitlist first, should spots open up. After we’ve exhausted our waitlist campers, we will open the available session to the general public for anyone to enroll.

What do I have to pay to join the waitlist?

There is no penalty for waitlisting, nor is there any money that has to be put down to reserve a spot on the waitlist. If you’re at all interested in potentially getting into a specific session, it is in your best interest to at least get on the waitlist.

Why does camp cost as much as it does?

Friendly Pines Camp is the only independent residential camp in the entire state of Arizona. While there are plenty of camps throughout the state, other residential programs are a part of a larger, sometimes national, organization; think Girl Scouts, YMCA, churches or dioceses, etc. Friendly Pines is completely self-sufficient and self-funded. We do not have national organizations that can fundraise and recruit for us, nor are we a non-profit and can accept large donations from families to build cabins and other building facilities. If something at camp breaks, FPC pays to have it fixed. If we need another cabin, FPC itself saves up money to build one. 


Running a summer camp is an expensive endeavor! Between food, maintenance, staff salaries, insurance, marketing, supplies, and MUCH more, we have to budget for every cent we earn.


If you think about it, is there a ‘cheap’ price for 24/7, high-quality childcare, hot meals 3x per day (plus two snacks), a huge variety of fun and unique activities (some of which include extra expenses, like renting horses, maintaining our ropes course, etc.), and an enriching experience in a safe, nurturing environment? We strive to provide the highest quality experience to our campers, so there’s not really much room to cut corners and skimp on things! 

Do you offer any discounts?

When campers are enrolled in sessions of varying length, the discount is applied to the shorter stay.

  • For example, if a camper signs up for Session 2 (2 wks) and Trailseeker A (1 wk), they would receive a $130 discount
  • Another example, if a camper enrolls in Adventure Camp (1 wk), Explorer B (1 wk), and Session 3 (2 wks), they would receive a total multi-session discount of $245 ($115 off Adventure Camp + $130 off Explorer B)
for every additional
session, per camper
for every additional
session, per camper
for adding
per camper

Sibling discounts automatically applied to the second, third, fourth, etc. child enrolled. When siblings are enrolled in sessions of varying length, the discount is applied to the shorter stay.

  • For example, if a family enrolls two campers in Session 3 (2 wks), the second camper would have a $205 discount applied to their total tuition amount
  • Another example: if a family enrolls two children for Session 1 (2 wks), and a third camper for Pioneer A (1 wk), the second camper would receive a $205 discount and the third camper would receive a $130 discount, totaling $335 off the total household statement. 
for siblings in a
TWO-WEEK session
for siblings in a
ONE-WEEK session
for siblings in

Receive a $100 discount on your total household tuition if you refer a BRAND NEW FPC family! Make sure they put down your family’s name and contact info when they enroll online! 

Referral Discount Terms:

  • Referral must be somebody whose whole family has never attended any Friendly Pines Camp program or event before.
  • Referred family must enroll in any regular Adventure Camp, one-, or two-week session 
  • Discount may be applied to the referring household with campers enrolled in any regular Adventure Camp, one-, or two-week session for the current season;
  • Discount does not apply to the referring household with campers only enrolled in Adventure Trails and/or Family Camp sessions
  • Discount is void if referred friend cancels registration.
  • Discount cannot be redeemed for cash or credit.
  • Discount applied to entire household tuition, not per camper.
  • Discount must be used in the same season that the referred family enrolls. 
  • Discount can be used towards total tuition balance.
  • Discount cannot be used to settle camp store charges.
  • There is no limit to the number of referral discounts a household can earn. However, Friendly Pines Camp will not provide a cash refund if the discount amount exceeds the tuition amount.
  • Only one household may refer a new family (i.e. multiple families cannot refer a new family).

We are sometimes able to offer camperships. Typically, when we do award camperships, they cover a portion of tuition (as opposed to the entire tuition cost).

There is an application process for those seeking campership money. You are welcome to email info@friendlypines.com at any time requesting the application information. 

Scholarship applications are due by February 10th, 2025. We will review all applications and notify you of our decision by February 18th, 2025.

Do you offer scholarships or financial aid?

We are sometimes able to offer camperships. Typically, when we do award camperships, they cover a portion of tuition (as opposed to the entire tuition cost).

There is an application process for those seeking campership money. You are welcome to email info@friendlypines.com at any time requesting the application information. 

Scholarship applications are due by February 10th, 2025. We will review all applications and notify you of our decision by February 18th, 2025.

Do you offer day camp?

Maybe in the future… All of our programs are residential in nature; campers will stay and sleep at camp for the entirety of their session duration.

IF you’re interested in a Friendly Pines Day Camp, please let us know by emailing us at info@friendlypines.com.

Cabin Life
How do you assign cabins?

Every camp has its own method of making cabin assignments for the child’s living group, but in all cases it should be based upon our goal of each child functioning at his/her best level. Our method considers chronological age, as well as the grade in school.


Our typical consideration order for cabin assignments is as follows:

  1. Gender
  2. Age
  3. Grade
Can you accommodate cabin requests?

We are usually able to accommodate cabin requests.


We ask that you limit your camper’s cabin mate requests to not more than two other campers. We must consider the experience of the campers in the cabin who are not part of this circle of friends. Should the request be greater than three total campers, we may call to discuss possible alternatives or our expectations for behavior and inclusion.


There rarely is, but if there is a problem with your request, we will be in touch to talk about it.


Be aware that the older camper is moved down to be in a cabin with the younger camper, not vice-versa. So for example, if you have two campers that are friends, where one is 13 years old and the other is 11 years old, the 13 year old would be moved down to a cabin full of 11 year olds. Sometimes the “being together” is less important to the older child than being placed with her/his own age/grade level might be!


There is a place to make a bunk mate request during the online enrollment process. Please send us a “reminder” email 3 or 4 days before your camper’s arrival to info@friendlypines.com. This includes requests already made, as friends and interests can change!

What if my camper doesn't know anyone before going to camp?

In our experience, more than half of first-time campers come to camp without knowing another soul. These campers do just fine and make plenty of friends in their cabins and activities. In fact, we’ve even been told before that returning campers sometimes like the fact that they have two ‘sets’ of friends: one group for school/home and one for camp! 


We strongly feel that ‘not knowing anyone’ should not be a reason to refrain from sending your camper to camp! Kids are resilient, and they will adapt to the scariness of not knowing anyone quickly!

How many campers are in each cabin?

Our cabin sizes range anywhere from 4 to 8 campers in a cabin. Typically, our younger cabins (ages 5-7 or so) will be smaller in size than our oldest cabins. 

What is the camper to staff ratio?

All cabins have at least one counselor that actually sleeps in the cabin each night. Some of our older cabins may have a second camp counselor as well. Our counselors are all at least 18 years old and have been out of high school for at least one year. 

Depending on the session, our youngest cabins may have a LIT or CIT in addition to the counselor; our LITs & CITs are 15/16/17 year old former campers who have returned to be “counselors in training”. 

All activities are led by 1-2 counselors, with an average activity class size of 10-15 campers.  

How many campers attend camp each session?

Our smallest sessions will be comprised of ~120 campers, while our largest sessions will have as many as 225 campers. (These totals include all one-weekers, two-weekers, and LITs/CITs). 

What's the average age for campers (first-time and returning)?

All of our programs are for boys & girls ages 5-14. Our Adventure Trails sessions are for boys & girls ages 10-16. 

Campers can really start at any age. We have as much success with campers that start age 5 as those that start at age 13!

Our typical first time camper though is around 8-10 years old.

Our average camper age forms sort of a bell curve, with most returning and first-time campers falling in the 8-12 year old range. We do still have several campers at either end of the age spectrum!

Sometimes parents are concerned that their 13 or 14 year old will be the oldest camper in camp/won’t have other campers that are similar in age–this isn’t the case! Depending on the session, we sometimes can have an entire cabin filled with 14 year olds! You are of course welcome to give us a call and check on the age distribution of your desired session if you’re at all worried.

What are the cabins like?

Our cabins are rustic, but comfortable. All of the cabins have electricity, hot water, and a full bathroom (toilet, sink, shower). Most have wooden floors and bunk beds, but size and layout varies.


We do not have air conditioning in the cabins, but all do have fans and screened windows.


An example cabin for boys, aged 10


An example cabin for girls, aged 13


An example cabin for girls, aged 7

Parent Info
Why Friendly Pines?

If you’ve found your way to this page on our website, then you’re a parent who, at least, has a sense of the remarkable value of summer camp. Perhaps you went to camp as a kid, and want to ensure that your children have an opportunity to experience the wonders of a week or two in the forest. Maybe you have friends who attend Friendly Pines, and you’ve heard their children’s stories. Or maybe you’re like so many other parents who have only a vague idea of what summer camp is all about. You think you’ve heard mention of Friendly Pines. Doesn’t the boy down the street wear a green t-shirt with a Friendly Pines logo? Where does that boy go every summer? What does he do?


No doubt about it. Friendly Pines Camp is a big adventure – for parents and campers. And like most big adventures the rewards are just as big. Nestled high in the tall, cool pines of the Prescott National Forest, Friendly Pines is home to nearly 1,000 boys and girls each summer.


For each camper the experience is unique and profound. Unlike soccer teams, gymnastic classes, or swimming lessons, boys and girls learn how to navigate the world in this summer wonderland. They learn to make choices. They learn to compromise. They discover and develop their own character. They become more tolerant of differences in others. They become more comfortable with themselves. Confidence. Independence. Self-reliance. Of course, the campers don’t realize any of this is going on, because it’s all so much darn fun.


For over eight decades, Friendly Pines Camp has dedicated itself to being your Partner in Parenting. Our philosophy emphasizes safety, caring, and growth. We know that a positive summer camp experience is one that will pay personal dividends in a camper’s life well beyond childhood, so Friendly Pines Camp works tirelessly to hire a staff that will not only keep your children safe, but also keep them on a positive course of fun and personal development.

What's your technology policy? Can my camper bring a cellphone?

We are a tech-free camp! Campers are encouraged to spend time outdoors, interacting with their peers and counselors, and participating in the wide variety of fun and unique activities we offer! There simply isn’t enough time in the day for anything that has a screen, as our days are positively jam packed with things that are way more fun than scrolling through phones or surfing the internet or playing video games. 


We do not allow campers to bring electronic devices of any sort. This includes, but is not limited to cell phones, computers, laptops, video game consoles, tablets, e-readers’, etc. 

How do I communicate with my camper? Can I call them?

Unfortunately, calling your camper directly is not an option. You may, however, call the camp and speak with someone who can tell you how your camper is doing. Feel free to call us at (928) 445-2128.


Snail mail is by far the most popular method of corresponding with campers! Campers love getting letters during mailtime, which takes place at 4:30PM every day except Sunday.

You can send letters to your camper at the following address:

933 E. Friendly Pines Rd.
Prescott, AZ 86303

If you can remember, including their cabin name somewhere on the envelope will greatly help our Post Office staff sort mail!


You can also send emails to your camper! We will print them off, fold them in half, and file them in with the rest of the cabin’s mail.

You can send emails to:


**Don’t forget to include your camper’s first and last name, along with their cabin, in the subject line!**

Can I check with camp on how my camper is doing?

With good reason, many parents like to check on their child(ren)’s adjustment to camp periodically in the early days of the session, and especially for first-time campers. For your information as well as our own, our cabin counselors provide us with info on each child’s previous day. Counselors submit reports the first three mornings of each session, and then submit a report roughly every other day.

As stated in various places, we remind you that you are ALWAYS welcome to speak with the director on any issue regarding your child(ren). Should you ever wish to speak with your child(ren)’s counselor on any matter you need only to ask.

Please don’t feel obliged to call (most don’t!). Rest assured we’ll notify you should something significant arise. Specifically, we will call you should your camper need to spend the night in the Infirmary or should he/she need to see our doctor in town. 

How do you hire and vet your staff? Do you background check?

We pride ourselves on our quality of staff that we hire each year. Our staff come from all over the state, country, and even the world. Many of our staff return year after year, and several are also former FPC campers. 

Our basic requirement for counselor applicants is that they are at least 18 years old and must have at least one year of college or post-high school experience (i.e., we do not accept applicants that graduate the same summer they work at FPC for the first time, except in very rare, special situations). Beyond that, we look for a combination of a desire to work with children, the ability to work well in close proximity with their peers, and personal activity experience. Prior work experience for all applicants, regardless of age, is HIGHLY recommended.

Applicants submit applications online, have 3 professional references checked, submit a one-way recorded interview, complete short answer questions, and are interviewed live before any offer is made. 

We also hire 17-year-old assistant counselors who were CITs (Counselor in Training) in previous summer. Assistant counselors are never in a cabin by themselves with campers and are always assigned to a cabin with a counselor who is 18 years old or older.

ALL staff, regardless of position, must pass a background check (which includes checking the National Sex Offender Register), as well as submit to and pass a drug test upon arrival at camp. We also conduct random drug tests throughout the summer. Our counselors, admin staff, kitchen staff, maintenance staff, and beyond are required to do these checks and tests EVERY summer. Even someone who’s been on staff for 20+ years, or who doesn’t ever really come into contact with campers…ALL STAFF are checked each and every year! 

Do you take photos? Where can I see my camper?

We have a staff member whose sole job is to take pictures of the campers and put them online each day. They are usually able to do so by 5PM, 6 days a week. 

Our photographer does a good job at getting a good amount of shots of each camper. However, if you have any questions or concerns about the photos we post, you can call us at (928) 445-2128 or send an email to photos@friendlypines.com.

You can click the camera icon at the top of each webpage to access our photo gallery. 

Can I visit my camper during the session?

There are no visiting times while camp is in session. Departure days are a simple pick up day for the summer. On departure days, we also ask that you leave your pets at home. Reminders of these dates and times will be included in a future mailing.

Remember: Friendly Pines Camp does not take responsibility for supervising other family members or your camper(s) once you’ve reunited with them.

Do you have a laundry service?

Laundry service is available for campers staying with us for two or more weeks. There is no laundry service for one-week campers. Friendly Pines Camp will cover the first $15 of each camper’s laundry charge per session. Any charges in excess of $15 per session will be posted to the camper’s store account. Laundry charges will be around $1.50 per pound. Experience has shown us that the average camper will have between 10 and 20 lbs. of laundry washed in a two-week session. Be sure to read our “All The Dirt” document for hints on how to prevent laundry loss and how to keep the laundry costs down. 

You, of course, are welcome to send enough laundry for the camper’s entire stay. The clothing list calculates about 9-days worth of laundry, so you can make the appropriate adjustments. You will indicate on the camper clothing list whether or not you wish to have your camper’s laundry sent out.

Is there a camp store? Do I need to send money with my camper?

Our little ”store” exists only for the campers’ needs (not for any camp profit!) and the counselors monitor all purchase requests. We carry a limited selection of necessities such as toiletries, stamps, writing materials, etc. We don’t sell food, gum, or soda.

Charges to the child’s store account are made for laundry charges (in excess of $15), any purchases, craft and sewing supplies, medical prescriptions, etc.

After the session, when accounts are posted and figured, you’ll receive a statement for any store charges. After you have had a day or two to look it over, a charge will be made to the credit card we have on file.

FYI: We do have an online camp store where you can buy Friendly Pines Camp shirts, sweatshirts, hats, mugs, stickers, and more. Click on the shopping cart icon at the top of each webpage on our website, or click here!

What is family camp?

Family Camp consists of three sessions at the very end of camp where families can attend camp together, eat the camp food, and do the activities! We are often asked by parents, “Can I come to camp!!?”, and these three sessions are our answer to that question!

You can read more about Family Camp, including dates & rates, by visiting our Family Camp Info webpage.

How do you handle birthdays at camp?

For anyone’s birthday (not just campers), the camp as a whole will sing them Happy Birthday on their actual birthday, and on the last full day of our two-week & “B” one-week sessions we have a ‘birthday table’ in our dining lodge where all campers & staff who celebrated their birthday during that session will enjoy their lunch together. While the majority of the camp will enjoy a slice of sponge ‘birthday cake’, all those at the Birthday Table will each enjoy their own, personal, birthday cake.

If you tell their counselor when you drop them off, you can request they do something special for them. Or you can bring/mail some decorations, & small toys. Unfortunately, we can’t allow food/snacks to be brought in. It becomes a safety hazard with wildlife wanting to join in on the fun, & can make campers in other cabins jealous.

Alternatively, if they’d rather not make a big deal of it, that’s an option too.

Foood & Meals
Can you accommodate food allergies, dietary restrictions, or special diets?

Yes! We are able to accommodate a wide variety of dietary restrictions (e.g. lactose-free, dairy-free), food allergies (e.g. gluten allergy, soy allergy), and special diets (e.g. vegetarians, vegans, pescatarians, no red meat).


We are a nut-free camp, so peanut and other nut allergy campers are encouraged to attend! 

What kind of food is served at camp?

We have always been highly complimented on the quality of food that we serve at camp. Each day, our amazing kitchen staff churns out 3 hot, nutritious, and DELICIOUS meals for over 300 people.  Our high kitchen standards have earned us the Yavapai County Golden Plate award multiple times over.

Typical fare can include:

  • Breakfast: hotcakes, eggs & bacon, oatmeal
  • Lunch: Grilled cheese & soup, gyros, pizza
  • Dinner: Lasagna, tacos, “Thanksgiving Dinner”

We also provide two snacks per day, one in the morning in between activity periods, and one right after Siesta in the afternoon. Examples of snacks include:

  • AM Snack: trail mix, graham crackers, Goldfish
  • PM Snack: cantaloupe, watermelon, grapes

You can see an example of a sample menu by clicking here!

Can campers bring snacks?

We have a no-outside-food policy at camp. Critters and forest animals are notorious for finding food if it’s kept in the cabins. We also do not sell snacks in our camp store. 


Our 3 meals a day + 2 snacks always provide plenty of food for our campers and staff. It’s hard to ‘go hungry’ at camp!

My camper takes regular medication. Can you administer them while they're at camp?

You will indicate any regular medication and dosage on your camper’s Health History form. Upon arrival at camp, their meds will be collected and stored under lock and key in our Camp Medical Center (Infirmary). Our medical staff will administer meds according to the dosage and instructions indicated on their medical form. Medications will not be kept in the cabin/administered solely by the camper!

What's the difference between the Physical Exam Form and the Health History Form?

The Camper Physical Exam Form must be completed and signed by a certified medical professional. For the protection of all, and to meet our required health standards, we ask that the physical exam be completed in a timely manner. Do not delay in scheduling an appointment for this exam; campers must be seen (either in person or via telehealth) by a medical professional, and the medical personnel will need to physically fill out the form and sign it. When scheduling, you can say you need a “sports physical”; oftentimes you can also go to walk-in medical clinics like Walgreens or CVS pharmacies to complete these forms. Please upload your completed physicals in your household account, or email PDFs or pictures of the exam to medical@friendlypines.com.

The Camper Health History Form is an online form that parents/guardians fill out for their campers. You can access the form by logging in to your household account (the same place you enrolled your camper!). These forms are due two weeks before the session start date.

How recent does my camper's Physical Exam need have been done?

We ask that all Physicals for each camper have been completed within the last calendar year, though our preference is that the exam is done as close to the start of camp as possible. However, sometimes insurance companies do not allow for more than one exam per child per year.

As long as the exam date was less than one calendar year before the end of your camper’s session, you can submit the info from that physical to satisfy this paperwork requirement.

So for example, if your camper ends camp on July 2nd, 2025, but their last physical exam date was June 17th, 2024, you would need to get a NEW physical exam done.

Another example: if your camper ends camp on July 23rd, 2025 and their last physical exam date was October 30th, 2024, then they would NOT need a new physical exam form done. 

Please upload your completed physicals in your household account, or email PDFs or pictures of the exam to medical@friendlypines.com 

Where do I send my camper's immunization records?

Please upload your camper’s immunization records in your household account, or email PDFs or pictures of the exam to medical@friendlypines.com.

What activities do you offer?

From its earliest days, Friendly Pines Camp has been a fun place where boys and girls could learn. Friendly Pines, however, strives to be very unlike school. The classroom is our vast mountain forest, and the learning comes from doing. Much can be discovered about one’s own nature by gazing into a night sky of a billion stars.

A simple camp-out teaches the lessons of teamwork. Caring for animals or working on an art project develops patience. And sharing a space and time with friends, inspires a sense of community and compromise.

The Friendly Pines Camp program offers a non-competitive program of over 30 activities. After campers select eight hours of activities in which they wish to participate, a personalized schedule is created for each.

It is an integral part of the Friendly Pines’ philosophy to have the campers pick a limited number of activities they really want and allow them to participate in the same activities repeatedly, thus developing skills and confidence.  This approach is in opposition to a program that has campers try everything but maybe only once. We believe that campers will have the most fun and learn the most when they are doing what they want.

Many of our activities are offered on elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels. This allows each camper to participate at a level best suited to his or her skill and experience. On arrival day, certain activities will hold “placements”. So if a camper has experience in a certain activity, they are encouraged to try out for a higher level!

Our qualified instructors utilize lesson plans that have been developed from over 80 years of experience. Staff are encouraged, however, to be innovative and to keep pace with new technologies and techniques.

The Friendly Pines program is also guided by standards of safety and content developed by the American Camp Association, the accrediting body of which Friendly Pines is proud to be a part.

Our extensive list of varying activities is as follows:

  • Archery
  • BB Guns
  • Basketball
  • Canoeing & Kayaking
  • Campcraft
  • Challenge
  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Drawing and Painting
  • English Riding
  • Fencing
  • Fun in the Forest
  • Free Swim
  • Guitar
  • Handcrafts
  • Hatchet Throwing
  • Hiking
  • Jr. Adventure
  • Jr. Facilitators
  • Land Sports
  • Nature Study
  • Pet Care
  • Pony Carts
  • Ranch Hands
  • Riflery
  • Singing
  • Sewing
  • Soccer
  • Tennis
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Vaulting
  • Videography
  • Volleyball
  • Western Riding
How do campers pick their activities?

One-Week & Two Week Sessions

  • Campers will rank their top twelve (12) activity preferences before they arrive using an online form emailed to their parents in the two weeks before their arrival at camp.
  • FPC will create an individual schedule for each camper, comprised of eight (8) activity periods.
  • There are four (4) activity periods each day. We alternate activity schedules every other day.


Adventure Camp

  • Campers will rank their top ten (10) activity preferences before they arrive using an online form emailed to their parents in the two weeks before their arrival at camp.
  • FPC will create an individual schedule for each camper, comprised of five (5) activity periods.
  • There are five (5) activity periods in an Adventure Camp day. Each activity period lasts for 50 minutes. Campers will do each activity every day of the session.
Travel Form DUE: MAY 15th

Log into your account

To do this you will need to go to your Household Account, where you enrolled for camp (click "Current Families" tab at top of this webpage, then click "Account Login".)


Click on "View Registration Details"


Find the names of your enrolled campers under the "Forms" section on this page.

You should see all of the forms that you have completed and those forms that are waiting to be completed (if you have any).


Click on "2025 Travel Form"


Decide on Arrival Method

You will see the two modes of travel. Here is what you will need to do under each scenario:


    You will be asked to tell us your arrival date. It’s not that we DON’T know the day a session starts, but for reasons both technical and practical, we ask you to include the exact date that your camper will arrive to camp. It helps us run off accurate reports. Though most campers arrive on the date a session starts, some will need arrive a day or two late. Some campers stay for multiple sessions, so their arrival date may be two weeks before a given session. In any case, we ask you to indulge us and enter the date your camper arrives.


    You will need to provide Airport, Arrival Time, Arrival Date, Flight #, & Airline. We will contact you within 2 days before your camper's arrival to give you the name of the person who will meet your camper at the airport. REMEMBER: We will make a $60 charge to the credit/debit card we have on file, each way, for Airport campers.


Decide on Departure Method

Click through to the next page of the form. You will again see different modes of travel. Here is what you will need to do under each scenario:


    You will provide the Designated Pick-Up person. Please designate ALL persons allowed to pick-up your child from camp or the bus drop off location, even if they're not likely to be the actual ones to pick up your camper. Don't forget yourself &/or your spouse; just because you appear as the parent(s) on your household account, that does not mean you will automatically be added to the Designated Pick Up list. We will only allow folks listed below to enter the camp on Departure Day. You will also provide us the Date Of Departure. Again, we know the departure days of each session, but for the accuracy of our reports we ask that you indulge us. IMPORTANT: If your camper is staying for multiple sessions, please put in the date that he or she will ACTUALLY be leaving, after their last session. REMEMBER: We will make a $50 charge to the credit/debit card we have on file for Bus campers.


    You will need to provide Airport, Departure Time, Departure Date, Flight #, & Airline. We will contact you within 2 days before your camper's arrival to give you the name of the person who will be accompanying your camper to the gate. REMEMBER: We will make a $60 charge to the credit/debit card we have on file, each way, for Airport campers.

Do you provide transportation to/from camp?

We do not provide bus transportation to camp. All campers must be dropped off by car.

We will have a bus for DEPARTURE DAYS ONLY for the following sessions:

  • Adventure Camp/Trails
  • Session 1/Pioneer B/CILT
  • Session 2/Explorer B
  • Session 3/Trailseeker B/CIT

The cost for the bus is $50 per camper. 

We will have airport pick up and drop off available for out of state campers. There will be a $60 transportation fee each way for airport campers.

Most families choose to drop off and pick up their campers by car.

Where is the departure day bus drop off?

The drop-off location will be in the parking lot in front of the Walmart Supercenter on Tatum Blvd. & Bell Rd. The specific address is 4617 E Bell Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85032. 

The departure day bus will run on the following dates:

  • Adventure Camp/Trails
  • Session 1/Pioneer B/CILT
  • Session 2/Explorer B
  • Session 3/Trailseeker B/CIT

The bus will be expected to arrive sometime between 10:30-11:00AM, barring any traffic. Designated pick-up persons can start checking in at 10:00AM. 

Can I walk around and see their cabin during pick up and drop off?

Yep! You’re welcome to go back to the cabin and see where your camper will be living and sleeping during their time at camp.  


How long do I wait around before I leave after dropping my camper off?

That’s totally up to you!


We will have light refreshments available during drop off. Help yourself to cookies, lemonade, coffee, & tea! 


Families usually leave within a half hour or so, as beyond the refreshments and seeing the cabin, there isn’t too much to do. Lingering too long can also have a negative affect on the adjustment period for campers; so while it may sound harsh, erring on the shorter side of your stay is usually the better option to choose! 

My camper is flying in/out for camp...how does Airport travel work?

We will have staff at the airport to pick up your camper at their arrival, and likewise our staff will drop off your camper at their departure gate. We’ll be able to let you know the name of the staff person who will accompany your camper within approx. 2 days of the camper’s arrival/departure. 

Otherwise, just put all the flight info on your camper’s travel form and we’ll contact you if we have any questions! 

Please remember: there is a $60 transportation fee each way for airport campers.

I need to drop off or pick up my camper in a different window of time than we've been assigned...how to do I let camp know?

Arriving at camp a day or two late, or getting picked up a little early is totally fine and we’re usually almost always able to accommodate these unique travel plans. 


If you haven’t already completed your travel form, you can indicate the need for any special arrangements on that online form. If you have already submitted the form, feel free to contact us and we can make the change on our end (you won’t be able to make changes yourself once you’ve submitted the form.) 


You can absolutely give us a call, but please also send us an email with your travel info request; that way we have a paper trail!

Do I need all of my paperwork submitted before my camper's arrival?

The short answer is yes. However that’s not always a realistic possibility. Upon check in, we will let you know if we’re missing any forms (in addition to the email reminders we’ll send out in the weeks leading up to camp). Just give us a heads up if you’re planning on bringing any paperwork with you to check in. 

Do I need to let the camp know who is dropping off my camper?

We do not mind or need to know who is doing drop off. The only thing to keep in mind is that if you’re missing any paperwork that need signatures by a parent or guardian, those will need to be submitted before arrival or brought with the camper. 


Pick up is a different story, and we will only allow folks listed on your camper’s designated pick up list to enter the camp property on Departure Day. This includes parents/guardians, despite being listed on the household account! Please add ANYONE & EVERYONE who is allowed to pick up your camper to your designated pick up list. 

I need to change or add someone to the designated pick up person list...how do I do that?

If you haven’t already submitted your travel form, you can list all designated pick up persons on that form.


If you have already submitted the form, please send us an email with the request, and we will update things on our end. You are welcome to call, but we will ask for that email request in addition to establish a paper trail. 


Reminder: don’t forget to put both parents on the designated pick up person list; just because you’re listed as the parent in the account, does not mean you’re automatically added to that pick up list!

What if we're running late?

Stuff happens, especially traffic on the I-17! Just give us a call at (928) 445-2128 or send us an email to info@friendlypines.com letting us know you’re running late. We will of course (and obviously) keep the camper supervised if there’s a delay to your travel plans on departure day. 

What if my camper forgets something in the car? Can I bring it to them?

This happens all the time. If you’re still in the area when you realize you forgot something, you’re certainly welcome to turn around and drop it off at the camp office; we’ll make sure the missing item is turned over to your camper.


You can also send any forgotten items in the mail, and that package won’t be counted towards your camper’s “one package” limitation. 

What's the best way to get to camp?

The physical address for camp is 933 E. Friendly Pines Rd., Prescott, AZ 86303.


If you’re driving from Phoenix, take I-17 to SR-69; follow this to Prescott, then turn south on Senator Highway/Mount Vernon Street. You’ll eventually turn south west onto Marapai Rd.; then, you’ll turn south on Peter Mackin drive, which eventually turns into Friendly Pines Rd. You’ll see signs for camp once you’re on that road! 


You’ll want to avoid GPS directions that have you travel through Wickenburg or Crown King, as those routes extend your trip by a good hour or more and take you on primitive, dirt roads. So just double check the route takes you up I-17! 

Will my car make it to camp? How are the roads?

Yes, though keep in mind that the last half mile into camp is on a dirt road (that’s well maintained). Low clearance vehicles might not be super great for that last stretch, but they will ‘technically’ be able to make the trip. 

Are pets allowed?

While we love all animals at Friendly Pines, for the safety and comfort of all of our campers, guests, and staff, we ask that you leave your dogs and any other non-service animals at home. 

What is Friendly Pines Camp?
Friendly Pines Camp is a traditional, independent, residential summer camp for boys & girls ages 6-14. We have been family-owned and operated since 1941. The camp is accredited through the American Camp Association (ACA) and we are a member of the Western Association for Independent Camps (WAIC).

For 80+ years, we’ve been providing unforgettable experiences for campers from not only all over Arizona, but all over the world.

We are located approx. 6 miles south of Prescott, Arizona in the beautiful Bradshaw Mountain range.
Do you do group & facility rentals?
Yes! The camp is available for rentals hosted by CampWay. You can contact them with the info below:



(928) 442-7979

CampWay was started by two former FPC staff members Jonathan Pierson and Matt Gilmer. They operate all group rentals & cabin rentals through their own company, CampWay. Friendly Pines Camp remains to operate its summer camp business during the summer months, with CampWay operating group and facility rentals from early August – early May.
Can we visit camp before it starts?

Yes you can! You must book an individual camp tour ahead of time but you are definitely welcome to come see the grounds! We will also have an Open House event that you can attend. Your family is welcome to come to either or both!


Open House

TBD 2025


Click here to RSVP for our Annual Open House!


Camp Tours

Our camp tours typically last anywhere from 45-60 minutes.

The terrain is hilly and rocky, so please be sure to wear appropriate shoes and be prepared to walk for the entirety of the tour. A restroom is available for use, but we advise you use one before you arrive.

Please adhere to these protocols

  • All guests must be accompanied by at least one FPC Director at all times; no wandering on their own
  • Tour slots are limited to one family/household per slot. Slots are available on a first come first serve basis
  • Tours must be scheduled with at least 24 hours notice. Spontaneous showings will unfortunately not be possible
  • Dogs are not allowed, even on a leash

We appreciate your patience and adherence to these policies.

If you cannot find a time or day that fits your schedule, please feel free to give us a call at (928) 445-2128 or email info@friendlypines.com.

Click here to sign up for a camp tour!

What's a typical daily schedule?
Our days at camp are BUSY! Scroll through a typical daily schedule below
7:00 AM
7:00 AM

Rising Bell

The Big Bell is used for wake-up and gathering at the benches

7:35 AM
7:35 AM

Flag Raising on Ball field

7:45 AM
7:45 AM


Typical full breakfasts may include:

  • Pancakes
  • Eggs
  • Hashbrowns
  • Cereal
  • Juice
  • Fruit
8:30 AM
8:30 AM

Cabin Clean-up

9:20 AM
9:20 AM

First Activity Period Begins

On the first day of camp, each camper will receive a personalized schedule of their activities. Every activity change will be signaled by the ringing of the “activity bell.”
10:20 AM
10:20 AM


Camp provides two nutritious snacks each day:

  • Fruit
  • Crackers
  • Trail Mix
  • Popsicles
10:30 AM
10:30 AM

Second Activity Period Begins

Some activities such as Challenge, Canoeing, Waterskiing, and Hiking require two periods and will bring snack with them.

11:30 AM
11:30 AM

Re-Group, Free time, & Clean Up for Lunch

Campers will re-group with their counselor and cabin mates at their designated meeting spots before heading back to the cabin. During free time campers can play games, play gaga ball, visit the Library, prepare cheers and skits, and get cleaned up for meals. The Clean Up Bell lets everyone know it's time to get ready for the meal.

12:00 PM
12:00 PM


Lunches at camp can include:

  • Soup
  • Grilled Cheese
  • Hamburgers
  • Chicken Sandwiches
  • Stew
  • Juice

At the end of lunch there is time for announcements and counselors lead camp songs 

1:00 PM
1:00 PM


Every afternoon following lunch is Siesta. Campers and counselors retire to their cabins (or hammocks as a special treat) to rest, write letters home, and read.

2:20 PM
2:20 PM

Third Activity Period Begins

The afternoon activities begin after snack signaled by the “activity bell”.
3:30 PM
3:30 PM

Fourth Activity Period Begins

If campers want to change an activity their counselor will help them fill out the schedule change form at the Program Office.
4:30 PM
4:30 PM

Re-Group, Free time, & Clean Up for Dinner

PM Free time is when cabin groups will prepare for the evening activity, play games on the ball field, or hang out in the cabin and get ready for dinner.
5:15 PM
5:15 PM

Flag lowering on Ball field

5:30 PM
5:30 PM


Friendly Pines Camp serves wonderful dinners like:

  • Chicken
  • Roast Beef
  • Spaghetti
  • Stir-Fry
  • Salad
  • Homemade Rolls
  • Plenty of Veggies
  • Homemade Dessert
6:45 PM
6:45 PM

Evening Activity

Some of our various evening activities include Games on the Meadow, Upper Village Picnic, Carnival, Rendezvous, Talent Show, Round Dance

8:10 PM
8:10 PM

Retire to Cabins & Get Ready for Bed

9:00 PM
9:00 PM

Lights Out

You'll need plenty of sleep before you do it all again tomorrow!

What is the camp property like?

Friendly Pines Camp is nestled high in the Bradshaw Mountain Range in Prescott. We are situated at 6,300″ elevation, tucked between Spruce Mountain and Bean Peak in the Prescott National Forest.

The camp has dining, sleeping and activity areas available for over 300 people. Insulated redwood cabins with indoor bathrooms provide for ample sleeping space, in cabin groups of 4 to 8, depending on age. The buildings are rustic but well-constructed. Electric power and hot water are supplied. Cabin Villages are organized by age and separated by gender.

A sanitary, modern kitchen serves delicious meals family-style in the Dining Lodge. The Pavilion is where arts, crafts, dance, singing, and drama activities take place, and frequently is the site of evening activities. The Infirmary, where a camp nurse is always on duty, offers a bright and cheerful retreat if first aid or bed rest for minor indisposition is needed. Emergency paramedics are just a few blocks away at the Groom Creek Fire Station and the physicians and hospital of Prescott are only a fifteen minute drive away. The Log House provides for staff housing and meeting space. There are two tennis courts and a heated swimming pool. Groom Creek runs for a mile through our property ending in our lake. There are separate Western, English, Vaulting, and Pony-Cart arenas, and corrals for our 50+ head of horses. We have 3 secure ranges for our Riflery, BB, and Archery programs. Our own deep wells supply us with fresh, clean water.

We think our facilities are unmatched in the state. You’ll think so too, once you have come to see them for yourself. Visitors are welcome at any time year-round (with prior appointment). Sign up here for a camp tour!

What is the weather like?

We are blessed with perfect days throughout most of the year. Our summer highs are usually in the mid- to upper-80ºFs, and nights can be as cool as the low-60ºFs. There are an average of 277 days of sunshine a year in Prescott.  


Our cabins do not have air conditioning, but they are equipped with fans. Cabin windows also open and the screens provide a comforting air flow. 


We do get monsoons usually in the late summer; usually after the 4th of July through the end of September. As surprising as it might seem, rain jackets are a must-pack item for camp, regardless of what session you attend! 

How do I enroll?

All enrollments are done online! You will create an account and put your desired session(s) in your ‘shopping cart’, then you’ll check out to complete enrollment.


The link above takes you to the online enrollment portal where you’ll make an account AND log back in to fill out paperwork in the lead up to camp. Be sure to save that site to your bookmarks; you can also find the link at the top of every page of friendlypines.com (just click the “ENROLL NOW” button, even for returning campers), as well as under the “Current Families” tab at the top of each webpage. 

The enrollment process is very straightforward and easy to complete. We do recommend you complete your camper’s enrollment on a desktop computer browser, but the process can be done on a mobile device. We no longer do paper or mail in enrollments. If you have any trouble though, please don’t hesitate to call or email us! 

FYI: A common problem parents run into is an error message saying that no sessions are available for their camper; 9 times out of 10, the camper’s birthdate was incorrectly entered. Be sure to double check that!

If your enrollment was successful, you should receive a confirmation email stating so. Please email info@friendlypines.com if you do not receive this confirmation email!

What do I have to pay upon enrollment?
For complete session tuition information, please visit our dates & rates page.

A deposit for each camper is due upon enrollment. A secondary deposit is required March 1st, & your remaining balance is due May 1st.

Most choose to pay by credit card pr e-check online during the enrollment process, but you can also mail in a check.

For Family Camp sessions, a deposit is due upon enrollment. Remaining balance due/cancellation date is June 15th.

What's your cancellation policy?

Campers can cancel and receive a refund, but the amount is dependent on the date of cancellation. If you cancel before January 1st, your camper will receive a full refund, less the $100 per camper cancellation fee. As we progress further into the spring, more of the tuition becomes non-refundable and serves as the “cancellation fee” in the event of a cancellation. See the table below to see cancellation fee/non-refundable tuition amount by date. 

per camper
Initial deposit
becomes non-refundable
(per camper)
BOTH Deposits (Initial
+ Secondary; per camper)
become non-refundable
The ENTIRE Tuition Balance
(per camper) is due &
becomes non-refundable

Purchase Tuition Insurance here!

Please see our Family Camp info page for cancellation fees for those sessions.

How do I make a payment or change my payment method?
Give us a call at (928) 445-2128!

We’ll be happy to take your credit card number over the phone and/or update your payment info. 

What's the difference between your sessions?

All of our sessions are virtually the same; food and lodging is included, campers live in a cabin of similarly aged children, and they participate in a variety of different activities as well as evening activities like the Overnight Campout, Round Dance, Carnival, Talent Show, and Rendezvous.

All sessions, unless otherwise specified, are for children ages 5-14.
Session Descriptions
Two-Week Sessions:

A 13-night program where campers ages 5-14 get to create their own daily schedule by choosing from our 30+ activity offerings. This is our most popular program, as the children get a real taste of the camp magic, and is a great option even for first-time campers! Our most popular sessions.

ONE-Week Sessions:

A 6-night program similar to our two-week session, just in half the time; still available for campers aged 5-14. One-week campers do have some specific one-week activities (horses, target sports, ropes course), but also do get mixed in with the two-week campers for most other activities (hiking, water sports, arts & crafts, etc.). A popular session with our first-time campers.

The names of the sessions (Pioneer vs. Explorer or Trailseeker A vs. Trailseeker B) are simply used to determine the specific session in question; there is no difference between any of the weeks each session name represents.

PLEASE NOTE: All one week-campers live with other one-week campers. i.e. if friends want to be in the same cabin as one another, they must be enrolled in the same type of session. We cannot house a camper signed up for a two-week session with a camper here for a one-week session.

Adventure Camp Session:

A 6-night traditional Friendly Pines Camp program where campers, ages 5-14, will have their 5 favorite activities daily, rather than 8 activities broken up into 4 periods every other day; this is the only major difference from a one-week session, and allows the campers to have 5 activity periods in a day instead of 4. Popular with returning and first-time campers alike.

A common question we get is “Why does this session cost less?”. Adventure Camp happens at what we consider an “awkward” time of year…not all of the Arizona schools (or schools in other states for that matter!) are out by the end of May. We lower the price compared to our other sessions in hopes of attracting more people to this somewhat less-busy week. Same quality of program, mostly the same activities, just a less “desirable” time of year!

Adventure TRAILS Session:

A 6-night program for campers, ages 10-16, that focuses on horseback riding, horsemanship, and horse care. Campers that love horses, have extensive prior experience with horses, and want to ride all day, every day usually go for this session. Campers who like horses, but don’t have much experience with them OR want to participate in our other activities should choose a different two- or one-week session; these campers can still sign up for plenty of horse activities! Very limited enrollment; Previous horse riding experience & extensive time spent around horses necessary for participation.

PLEASE NOTE: Adventure Trails campers are given a set schedule; they do not choose their own activities, and their week-long schedule is comprised of ONLY horse activities. If your camper wants to do anything else, like the Ropes Course, swimming, arts & crafts, etc., or have any “say” in their schedule, they must sign up for any of our other sessions. 

“Why does this session cost as much as a normal one-week session, even though it has the same dates as Adventure Camp?”  Despite the fact Adventure Trails happens during that “awkward” time of year we mentioned before, this is a HIGHLY specialized session, with extremely limited enrollment. Extra planning, staff, and resources go into making the Adventure Trails session a success, and our rate reflects this.

Family Camp Sessions:

For info on Family Camp, please visit this webpage.

Session Comparisons
"A" 1-Week
"B" 1-Week
2-Week Sessions
Ages 5-14
Ages 10-16
"A" 1-Week
"B" 1-Week
2-Week Sessions
  • Individual schedule comprised of 5 activity periods
  • 5 Activity Periods per day
  • 50-minute periods.
  • Individual schedule comprised of 8 Activity periods
  • 4 activity periods per day
  • Alternate each day
  • 60-minute periods
  • Activity Placements (the ability to be placed in an advanced class for certain activities)
  • Previous Horse Experience Required
  • Fixed Activity Schedule (Campers don't get to select activities.)
Special Events
"A" 1-Week
"B" 1-Week
2-Week Sessions
Overnight Campout
Quiet Place
Special (Theme) Days
Ring Rendezvous
Lake Rendezvous
Stick Dedication
Camper Talent Show
"A" 1-Week
"B" 1-Week
2-Week Sessions
Green FPC Shirt on Arrival
FPC Camper Year Shirt on Departure
Memory Poster (received at camp)
Memory Book (received at camp; opportunity for friends to sign)
Memory Book (mailed after camp)
"A" 1-Week
"B" 1-Week
2-Week Sessions
Laundry 1/2 way through session
Bus as Departure Day transportation option
What age can my camper come to camp?

All of our programs are for boys & girls ages 5-14. Our Adventure Trails session is for boys & girls ages 10-16. 

How do waitlists work?

Some sessions will have waitlists. Particularly sessions that are in ‘desirable’ times during the summer, or offer a specific program (like Adventure Trails, our horse-specific session). 

We send out monthly Enrollment Update emails to notify current & prospective families on the enrollment or waitlisting status of each of our sessions. To make sure you receive those emails, be sure to join our mailing list!

You can also check the availability of each session on our Dates & Rates webpage. 

The likelihood of getting into a session you’re waitlisted for is hard to call; there are so many factors that go into waitlist movement. It depends on the year, the session, and how much before or after the cancellation deadlines (March 1st and/or May 1st) we’re at. We’ve had waitlists in the past that had 15 people who all eventually were able to get into the session, but conversely, we’ve had waitlists of one person that never had any movement. So determining how likely your camper is to get in to a specific session is really not always possible to determine. 

There is no penalty for waitlisting, nor is there any money that has to be put down to reserve a spot on the waitlist. If you’re at all interested in potentially getting into a specific session, it is in your best interest to at least get on the waitlist. We will email all campers on a given waitlist first, should spots open up. You can register as normal; upon ‘check out’, you will select the waitlist option right in your shopping cart. You can also enroll for a session that does have availability AND the session that you’re actually interested in but has a waitlist; if a spot opens, we will be able to manually switch your registration. That way you can still get a spot somewhere during the summer.

PLEASE NOTE: FPC reserves the right to close any and all waitlists at any point during the enrollment season. If you’re at all interested in a session, whether it’s waitlisting or not, do not hesitate to register today! 

If you have questions about the waitlist or what position you’re currently in, please contact info@friendlypines.com or call us at (928) 445-2128. 

When does next summer's enrollment open?

We usually open enrollment for the following summer in September each year! It’s in your best interest to sign up for our email list so you don’t miss out when we announce open enrollment!

The earlier you enroll, the better! Some of our sessions may be full within days of enrollment opening.

How do I get my camper onto a waitlist?

To sign up for a waitlisting session, you’ll actually register as normal; use the “ENROLL NOW” button at the top of this page. Upon ‘check out’, you will select the waitlist option right in your shopping cart.

Registering for a waitlist is best if you do it yourself through our online portal, as opposed to you simply emailing or calling us asking to put your camper on a waitlist. However, if you run into any problems during the online sign up process, you can of course call us!

You may sign up for as many or as few session waitlists as you like.

How likely is it for spots to open up?

The likelihood of getting into a session you’re waitlisted for is hard to call; there are so many factors that go into waitlist movement. It kind of depends on the year, the session, and how much before or after the cancellation deadline (March/May 1st) we’re at. We’ve had waitlists in the past that had 15 people who all eventually were able to get into the session, but conversely, we’ve had waitlists of three that never had any movement. So determining how likely your camper is to get in to a specific session is really not always possible to determine.

How will I know if my camper has gotten into a session?

Friendly Pines will contact you if a spot opens up for your camper.

We will first send an email to the address you used to register for the waitlist to notify you of the open spot. If you haven’t received an email from us, then a spot has not yet opened and your camper is still on the waitlist. If we need to, we may call you to make sure you got our email.

You will have 24 hours to accept the spot before we move on to the next camper on the list. Please reply to the email we send you to accept the spot. We prefer an email acceptance to a phone call, purely so we have the open slot acceptance in writing with an easily identifiable paper trail.

Deposit payment will be due upon acceptance of a spot.

  • Before March 1st: Initial Deposit Due
  • After March 1st, before May 1st: Initial + Secondary Deposit Due
  • After May 1st: Final payments will be due within 7 days of accepting the open slot

If you’re interested to see what number your camper is on a given list, please email info@friendlypines.com. Be sure to include your camper’s first & last name in the email request so we can look them up.

FPC will email campers on a given waitlist first, should spots open up. After we’ve exhausted our waitlist campers, we will open the available session to the general public for anyone to enroll.

What do I have to pay to join the waitlist?

There is no penalty for waitlisting, nor is there any money that has to be put down to reserve a spot on the waitlist. If you’re at all interested in potentially getting into a specific session, it is in your best interest to at least get on the waitlist.

Why does camp cost as much as it does?

Friendly Pines Camp is the only independent residential camp in the entire state of Arizona. While there are plenty of camps throughout the state, other residential programs are a part of a larger, sometimes national, organization; think Girl Scouts, YMCA, churches or dioceses, etc. Friendly Pines is completely self-sufficient and self-funded. We do not have national organizations that can fundraise and recruit for us, nor are we a non-profit and can accept large donations from families to build cabins and other building facilities. If something at camp breaks, FPC pays to have it fixed. If we need another cabin, FPC itself saves up money to build one. 


Running a summer camp is an expensive endeavor! Between food, maintenance, staff salaries, insurance, marketing, supplies, and MUCH more, we have to budget for every cent we earn.


If you think about it, is there a ‘cheap’ price for 24/7, high-quality childcare, hot meals 3x per day (plus two snacks), a huge variety of fun and unique activities (some of which include extra expenses, like renting horses, maintaining our ropes course, etc.), and an enriching experience in a safe, nurturing environment? We strive to provide the highest quality experience to our campers, so there’s not really much room to cut corners and skimp on things! 

Do you offer any discounts?

When campers are enrolled in sessions of varying length, the discount is applied to the shorter stay.

  • For example, if a camper signs up for Session 2 (2 wks) and Trailseeker A (1 wk), they would receive a $130 discount
  • Another example, if a camper enrolls in Adventure Camp (1 wk), Explorer B (1 wk), and Session 3 (2 wks), they would receive a total multi-session discount of $245 ($115 off Adventure Camp + $130 off Explorer B)
for every additional
session, per camper
for every additional
session, per camper
for adding
per camper

Sibling discounts automatically applied to the second, third, fourth, etc. child enrolled. When siblings are enrolled in sessions of varying length, the discount is applied to the shorter stay.

  • For example, if a family enrolls two campers in Session 3 (2 wks), the second camper would have a $205 discount applied to their total tuition amount
  • Another example: if a family enrolls two children for Session 1 (2 wks), and a third camper for Pioneer A (1 wk), the second camper would receive a $205 discount and the third camper would receive a $130 discount, totaling $335 off the total household statement. 
for siblings in a
TWO-WEEK session
for siblings in a
ONE-WEEK session
for siblings in

Receive a $100 discount on your total household tuition if you refer a BRAND NEW FPC family! Make sure they put down your family’s name and contact info when they enroll online! 

Referral Discount Terms:

  • Referral must be somebody whose whole family has never attended any Friendly Pines Camp program or event before.
  • Referred family must enroll in any regular Adventure Camp, one-, or two-week session 
  • Discount may be applied to the referring household with campers enrolled in any regular Adventure Camp, one-, or two-week session for the current season;
  • Discount does not apply to the referring household with campers only enrolled in Adventure Trails and/or Family Camp sessions
  • Discount is void if referred friend cancels registration.
  • Discount cannot be redeemed for cash or credit.
  • Discount applied to entire household tuition, not per camper.
  • Discount must be used in the same season that the referred family enrolls. 
  • Discount can be used towards total tuition balance.
  • Discount cannot be used to settle camp store charges.
  • There is no limit to the number of referral discounts a household can earn. However, Friendly Pines Camp will not provide a cash refund if the discount amount exceeds the tuition amount.
  • Only one household may refer a new family (i.e. multiple families cannot refer a new family).

We are sometimes able to offer camperships. Typically, when we do award camperships, they cover a portion of tuition (as opposed to the entire tuition cost).

There is an application process for those seeking campership money. You are welcome to email info@friendlypines.com at any time requesting the application information. 

Scholarship applications are due by February 10th, 2025. We will review all applications and notify you of our decision by February 18th, 2025.

Do you offer scholarships or financial aid?

We are sometimes able to offer camperships. Typically, when we do award camperships, they cover a portion of tuition (as opposed to the entire tuition cost).

There is an application process for those seeking campership money. You are welcome to email info@friendlypines.com at any time requesting the application information. 

Scholarship applications are due by February 10th, 2025. We will review all applications and notify you of our decision by February 18th, 2025.

Do you offer day camp?

Maybe in the future… All of our programs are residential in nature; campers will stay and sleep at camp for the entirety of their session duration.

IF you’re interested in a Friendly Pines Day Camp, please let us know by emailing us at info@friendlypines.com.

How do you assign cabins?

Every camp has its own method of making cabin assignments for the child’s living group, but in all cases it should be based upon our goal of each child functioning at his/her best level. Our method considers chronological age, as well as the grade in school.


Our typical consideration order for cabin assignments is as follows:

  1. Gender
  2. Age
  3. Grade
Can you accommodate cabin requests?

We are usually able to accommodate cabin requests.


We ask that you limit your camper’s cabin mate requests to not more than two other campers. We must consider the experience of the campers in the cabin who are not part of this circle of friends. Should the request be greater than three total campers, we may call to discuss possible alternatives or our expectations for behavior and inclusion.


There rarely is, but if there is a problem with your request, we will be in touch to talk about it.


Be aware that the older camper is moved down to be in a cabin with the younger camper, not vice-versa. So for example, if you have two campers that are friends, where one is 13 years old and the other is 11 years old, the 13 year old would be moved down to a cabin full of 11 year olds. Sometimes the “being together” is less important to the older child than being placed with her/his own age/grade level might be!


There is a place to make a bunk mate request during the online enrollment process. Please send us a “reminder” email 3 or 4 days before your camper’s arrival to info@friendlypines.com. This includes requests already made, as friends and interests can change!

What if my camper doesn't know anyone before going to camp?

In our experience, more than half of first-time campers come to camp without knowing another soul. These campers do just fine and make plenty of friends in their cabins and activities. In fact, we’ve even been told before that returning campers sometimes like the fact that they have two ‘sets’ of friends: one group for school/home and one for camp! 


We strongly feel that ‘not knowing anyone’ should not be a reason to refrain from sending your camper to camp! Kids are resilient, and they will adapt to the scariness of not knowing anyone quickly!

How many campers are in each cabin?

Our cabin sizes range anywhere from 4 to 8 campers in a cabin. Typically, our younger cabins (ages 5-7 or so) will be smaller in size than our oldest cabins. 

What is the camper to staff ratio?

All cabins have at least one counselor that actually sleeps in the cabin each night. Some of our older cabins may have a second camp counselor as well. Our counselors are all at least 18 years old and have been out of high school for at least one year. 

Depending on the session, our youngest cabins may have a LIT or CIT in addition to the counselor; our LITs & CITs are 15/16/17 year old former campers who have returned to be “counselors in training”. 

All activities are led by 1-2 counselors, with an average activity class size of 10-15 campers.  

How many campers attend camp each session?

Our smallest sessions will be comprised of ~120 campers, while our largest sessions will have as many as 225 campers. (These totals include all one-weekers, two-weekers, and LITs/CITs). 

What's the average age for campers (first-time and returning)?

All of our programs are for boys & girls ages 5-14. Our Adventure Trails sessions are for boys & girls ages 10-16. 

Campers can really start at any age. We have as much success with campers that start age 5 as those that start at age 13!

Our typical first time camper though is around 8-10 years old.

Our average camper age forms sort of a bell curve, with most returning and first-time campers falling in the 8-12 year old range. We do still have several campers at either end of the age spectrum!

Sometimes parents are concerned that their 13 or 14 year old will be the oldest camper in camp/won’t have other campers that are similar in age–this isn’t the case! Depending on the session, we sometimes can have an entire cabin filled with 14 year olds! You are of course welcome to give us a call and check on the age distribution of your desired session if you’re at all worried.

What are the cabins like?

Our cabins are rustic, but comfortable. All of the cabins have electricity, hot water, and a full bathroom (toilet, sink, shower). Most have wooden floors and bunk beds, but size and layout varies.


We do not have air conditioning in the cabins, but all do have fans and screened windows.


An example cabin for boys, aged 10


An example cabin for girls, aged 13


An example cabin for girls, aged 7

Why Friendly Pines?

If you’ve found your way to this page on our website, then you’re a parent who, at least, has a sense of the remarkable value of summer camp. Perhaps you went to camp as a kid, and want to ensure that your children have an opportunity to experience the wonders of a week or two in the forest. Maybe you have friends who attend Friendly Pines, and you’ve heard their children’s stories. Or maybe you’re like so many other parents who have only a vague idea of what summer camp is all about. You think you’ve heard mention of Friendly Pines. Doesn’t the boy down the street wear a green t-shirt with a Friendly Pines logo? Where does that boy go every summer? What does he do?


No doubt about it. Friendly Pines Camp is a big adventure – for parents and campers. And like most big adventures the rewards are just as big. Nestled high in the tall, cool pines of the Prescott National Forest, Friendly Pines is home to nearly 1,000 boys and girls each summer.


For each camper the experience is unique and profound. Unlike soccer teams, gymnastic classes, or swimming lessons, boys and girls learn how to navigate the world in this summer wonderland. They learn to make choices. They learn to compromise. They discover and develop their own character. They become more tolerant of differences in others. They become more comfortable with themselves. Confidence. Independence. Self-reliance. Of course, the campers don’t realize any of this is going on, because it’s all so much darn fun.


For over eight decades, Friendly Pines Camp has dedicated itself to being your Partner in Parenting. Our philosophy emphasizes safety, caring, and growth. We know that a positive summer camp experience is one that will pay personal dividends in a camper’s life well beyond childhood, so Friendly Pines Camp works tirelessly to hire a staff that will not only keep your children safe, but also keep them on a positive course of fun and personal development.

What's your technology policy? Can my camper bring a cellphone?

We are a tech-free camp! Campers are encouraged to spend time outdoors, interacting with their peers and counselors, and participating in the wide variety of fun and unique activities we offer! There simply isn’t enough time in the day for anything that has a screen, as our days are positively jam packed with things that are way more fun than scrolling through phones or surfing the internet or playing video games. 


We do not allow campers to bring electronic devices of any sort. This includes, but is not limited to cell phones, computers, laptops, video game consoles, tablets, e-readers’, etc. 

How do I communicate with my camper? Can I call them?

Unfortunately, calling your camper directly is not an option. You may, however, call the camp and speak with someone who can tell you how your camper is doing. Feel free to call us at (928) 445-2128.


Snail mail is by far the most popular method of corresponding with campers! Campers love getting letters during mailtime, which takes place at 4:30PM every day except Sunday.

You can send letters to your camper at the following address:

933 E. Friendly Pines Rd.
Prescott, AZ 86303

If you can remember, including their cabin name somewhere on the envelope will greatly help our Post Office staff sort mail!


You can also send emails to your camper! We will print them off, fold them in half, and file them in with the rest of the cabin’s mail.

You can send emails to:


**Don’t forget to include your camper’s first and last name, along with their cabin, in the subject line!**

Can I check with camp on how my camper is doing?

With good reason, many parents like to check on their child(ren)’s adjustment to camp periodically in the early days of the session, and especially for first-time campers. For your information as well as our own, our cabin counselors provide us with info on each child’s previous day. Counselors submit reports the first three mornings of each session, and then submit a report roughly every other day.

As stated in various places, we remind you that you are ALWAYS welcome to speak with the director on any issue regarding your child(ren). Should you ever wish to speak with your child(ren)’s counselor on any matter you need only to ask.

Please don’t feel obliged to call (most don’t!). Rest assured we’ll notify you should something significant arise. Specifically, we will call you should your camper need to spend the night in the Infirmary or should he/she need to see our doctor in town. 

How do you hire and vet your staff? Do you background check?

We pride ourselves on our quality of staff that we hire each year. Our staff come from all over the state, country, and even the world. Many of our staff return year after year, and several are also former FPC campers. 

Our basic requirement for counselor applicants is that they are at least 18 years old and must have at least one year of college or post-high school experience (i.e., we do not accept applicants that graduate the same summer they work at FPC for the first time, except in very rare, special situations). Beyond that, we look for a combination of a desire to work with children, the ability to work well in close proximity with their peers, and personal activity experience. Prior work experience for all applicants, regardless of age, is HIGHLY recommended.

Applicants submit applications online, have 3 professional references checked, submit a one-way recorded interview, complete short answer questions, and are interviewed live before any offer is made. 

We also hire 17-year-old assistant counselors who were CITs (Counselor in Training) in previous summer. Assistant counselors are never in a cabin by themselves with campers and are always assigned to a cabin with a counselor who is 18 years old or older.

ALL staff, regardless of position, must pass a background check (which includes checking the National Sex Offender Register), as well as submit to and pass a drug test upon arrival at camp. We also conduct random drug tests throughout the summer. Our counselors, admin staff, kitchen staff, maintenance staff, and beyond are required to do these checks and tests EVERY summer. Even someone who’s been on staff for 20+ years, or who doesn’t ever really come into contact with campers…ALL STAFF are checked each and every year! 

Do you take photos? Where can I see my camper?

We have a staff member whose sole job is to take pictures of the campers and put them online each day. They are usually able to do so by 5PM, 6 days a week. 

Our photographer does a good job at getting a good amount of shots of each camper. However, if you have any questions or concerns about the photos we post, you can call us at (928) 445-2128 or send an email to photos@friendlypines.com.

You can click the camera icon at the top of each webpage to access our photo gallery. 

Can I visit my camper during the session?

There are no visiting times while camp is in session. Departure days are a simple pick up day for the summer. On departure days, we also ask that you leave your pets at home. Reminders of these dates and times will be included in a future mailing.

Remember: Friendly Pines Camp does not take responsibility for supervising other family members or your camper(s) once you’ve reunited with them.

Do you have a laundry service?

Laundry service is available for campers staying with us for two or more weeks. There is no laundry service for one-week campers. Friendly Pines Camp will cover the first $15 of each camper’s laundry charge per session. Any charges in excess of $15 per session will be posted to the camper’s store account. Laundry charges will be around $1.50 per pound. Experience has shown us that the average camper will have between 10 and 20 lbs. of laundry washed in a two-week session. Be sure to read our “All The Dirt” document for hints on how to prevent laundry loss and how to keep the laundry costs down. 

You, of course, are welcome to send enough laundry for the camper’s entire stay. The clothing list calculates about 9-days worth of laundry, so you can make the appropriate adjustments. You will indicate on the camper clothing list whether or not you wish to have your camper’s laundry sent out.

Is there a camp store? Do I need to send money with my camper?

Our little ”store” exists only for the campers’ needs (not for any camp profit!) and the counselors monitor all purchase requests. We carry a limited selection of necessities such as toiletries, stamps, writing materials, etc. We don’t sell food, gum, or soda.

Charges to the child’s store account are made for laundry charges (in excess of $15), any purchases, craft and sewing supplies, medical prescriptions, etc.

After the session, when accounts are posted and figured, you’ll receive a statement for any store charges. After you have had a day or two to look it over, a charge will be made to the credit card we have on file.

FYI: We do have an online camp store where you can buy Friendly Pines Camp shirts, sweatshirts, hats, mugs, stickers, and more. Click on the shopping cart icon at the top of each webpage on our website, or click here!

What is family camp?

Family Camp consists of three sessions at the very end of camp where families can attend camp together, eat the camp food, and do the activities! We are often asked by parents, “Can I come to camp!!?”, and these three sessions are our answer to that question!

You can read more about Family Camp, including dates & rates, by visiting our Family Camp Info webpage.

How do you handle birthdays at camp?

For anyone’s birthday (not just campers), the camp as a whole will sing them Happy Birthday on their actual birthday, and on the last full day of our two-week & “B” one-week sessions we have a ‘birthday table’ in our dining lodge where all campers & staff who celebrated their birthday during that session will enjoy their lunch together. While the majority of the camp will enjoy a slice of sponge ‘birthday cake’, all those at the Birthday Table will each enjoy their own, personal, birthday cake.

If you tell their counselor when you drop them off, you can request they do something special for them. Or you can bring/mail some decorations, & small toys. Unfortunately, we can’t allow food/snacks to be brought in. It becomes a safety hazard with wildlife wanting to join in on the fun, & can make campers in other cabins jealous.

Alternatively, if they’d rather not make a big deal of it, that’s an option too.

Can you accommodate food allergies, dietary restrictions, or special diets?

Yes! We are able to accommodate a wide variety of dietary restrictions (e.g. lactose-free, dairy-free), food allergies (e.g. gluten allergy, soy allergy), and special diets (e.g. vegetarians, vegans, pescatarians, no red meat).


We are a nut-free camp, so peanut and other nut allergy campers are encouraged to attend! 

What kind of food is served at camp?

We have always been highly complimented on the quality of food that we serve at camp. Each day, our amazing kitchen staff churns out 3 hot, nutritious, and DELICIOUS meals for over 300 people.  Our high kitchen standards have earned us the Yavapai County Golden Plate award multiple times over.

Typical fare can include:

  • Breakfast: hotcakes, eggs & bacon, oatmeal
  • Lunch: Grilled cheese & soup, gyros, pizza
  • Dinner: Lasagna, tacos, “Thanksgiving Dinner”

We also provide two snacks per day, one in the morning in between activity periods, and one right after Siesta in the afternoon. Examples of snacks include:

  • AM Snack: trail mix, graham crackers, Goldfish
  • PM Snack: cantaloupe, watermelon, grapes

You can see an example of a sample menu by clicking here!

Can campers bring snacks?

We have a no-outside-food policy at camp. Critters and forest animals are notorious for finding food if it’s kept in the cabins. We also do not sell snacks in our camp store. 


Our 3 meals a day + 2 snacks always provide plenty of food for our campers and staff. It’s hard to ‘go hungry’ at camp!

My camper takes regular medication. Can you administer them while they're at camp?

You will indicate any regular medication and dosage on your camper’s Health History form. Upon arrival at camp, their meds will be collected and stored under lock and key in our Camp Medical Center (Infirmary). Our medical staff will administer meds according to the dosage and instructions indicated on their medical form. Medications will not be kept in the cabin/administered solely by the camper!

What's the difference between the Physical Exam Form and the Health History Form?

The Camper Physical Exam Form must be completed and signed by a certified medical professional. For the protection of all, and to meet our required health standards, we ask that the physical exam be completed in a timely manner. Do not delay in scheduling an appointment for this exam; campers must be seen (either in person or via telehealth) by a medical professional, and the medical personnel will need to physically fill out the form and sign it. When scheduling, you can say you need a “sports physical”; oftentimes you can also go to walk-in medical clinics like Walgreens or CVS pharmacies to complete these forms. Please upload your completed physicals in your household account, or email PDFs or pictures of the exam to medical@friendlypines.com.

The Camper Health History Form is an online form that parents/guardians fill out for their campers. You can access the form by logging in to your household account (the same place you enrolled your camper!). These forms are due two weeks before the session start date.

How recent does my camper's Physical Exam need have been done?

We ask that all Physicals for each camper have been completed within the last calendar year, though our preference is that the exam is done as close to the start of camp as possible. However, sometimes insurance companies do not allow for more than one exam per child per year.

As long as the exam date was less than one calendar year before the end of your camper’s session, you can submit the info from that physical to satisfy this paperwork requirement.

So for example, if your camper ends camp on July 2nd, 2025, but their last physical exam date was June 17th, 2024, you would need to get a NEW physical exam done.

Another example: if your camper ends camp on July 23rd, 2025 and their last physical exam date was October 30th, 2024, then they would NOT need a new physical exam form done. 

Please upload your completed physicals in your household account, or email PDFs or pictures of the exam to medical@friendlypines.com 

Where do I send my camper's immunization records?

Please upload your camper’s immunization records in your household account, or email PDFs or pictures of the exam to medical@friendlypines.com.

What activities do you offer?

From its earliest days, Friendly Pines Camp has been a fun place where boys and girls could learn. Friendly Pines, however, strives to be very unlike school. The classroom is our vast mountain forest, and the learning comes from doing. Much can be discovered about one’s own nature by gazing into a night sky of a billion stars.

A simple camp-out teaches the lessons of teamwork. Caring for animals or working on an art project develops patience. And sharing a space and time with friends, inspires a sense of community and compromise.

The Friendly Pines Camp program offers a non-competitive program of over 30 activities. After campers select eight hours of activities in which they wish to participate, a personalized schedule is created for each.

It is an integral part of the Friendly Pines’ philosophy to have the campers pick a limited number of activities they really want and allow them to participate in the same activities repeatedly, thus developing skills and confidence.  This approach is in opposition to a program that has campers try everything but maybe only once. We believe that campers will have the most fun and learn the most when they are doing what they want.

Many of our activities are offered on elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels. This allows each camper to participate at a level best suited to his or her skill and experience. On arrival day, certain activities will hold “placements”. So if a camper has experience in a certain activity, they are encouraged to try out for a higher level!

Our qualified instructors utilize lesson plans that have been developed from over 80 years of experience. Staff are encouraged, however, to be innovative and to keep pace with new technologies and techniques.

The Friendly Pines program is also guided by standards of safety and content developed by the American Camp Association, the accrediting body of which Friendly Pines is proud to be a part.

Our extensive list of varying activities is as follows:

  • Archery
  • BB Guns
  • Basketball
  • Canoeing & Kayaking
  • Campcraft
  • Challenge
  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Drawing and Painting
  • English Riding
  • Fencing
  • Fun in the Forest
  • Free Swim
  • Guitar
  • Handcrafts
  • Hatchet Throwing
  • Hiking
  • Jr. Adventure
  • Jr. Facilitators
  • Land Sports
  • Nature Study
  • Pet Care
  • Pony Carts
  • Ranch Hands
  • Riflery
  • Singing
  • Sewing
  • Soccer
  • Tennis
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Vaulting
  • Videography
  • Volleyball
  • Western Riding
How do campers pick their activities?

One-Week & Two Week Sessions

  • Campers will rank their top twelve (12) activity preferences before they arrive using an online form emailed to their parents in the two weeks before their arrival at camp.
  • FPC will create an individual schedule for each camper, comprised of eight (8) activity periods.
  • There are four (4) activity periods each day. We alternate activity schedules every other day.


Adventure Camp

  • Campers will rank their top ten (10) activity preferences before they arrive using an online form emailed to their parents in the two weeks before their arrival at camp.
  • FPC will create an individual schedule for each camper, comprised of five (5) activity periods.
  • There are five (5) activity periods in an Adventure Camp day. Each activity period lasts for 50 minutes. Campers will do each activity every day of the session.
Travel Form DUE: MAY 15th

Log into your account

To do this you will need to go to your Household Account, where you enrolled for camp (click "Current Families" tab at top of this webpage, then click "Account Login".)


Click on "View Registration Details"


Find the names of your enrolled campers under the "Forms" section on this page.

You should see all of the forms that you have completed and those forms that are waiting to be completed (if you have any).


Click on "2025 Travel Form"


Decide on Arrival Method

You will see the two modes of travel. Here is what you will need to do under each scenario:


    You will be asked to tell us your arrival date. It’s not that we DON’T know the day a session starts, but for reasons both technical and practical, we ask you to include the exact date that your camper will arrive to camp. It helps us run off accurate reports. Though most campers arrive on the date a session starts, some will need arrive a day or two late. Some campers stay for multiple sessions, so their arrival date may be two weeks before a given session. In any case, we ask you to indulge us and enter the date your camper arrives.


    You will need to provide Airport, Arrival Time, Arrival Date, Flight #, & Airline. We will contact you within 2 days before your camper's arrival to give you the name of the person who will meet your camper at the airport. REMEMBER: We will make a $60 charge to the credit/debit card we have on file, each way, for Airport campers.


Decide on Departure Method

Click through to the next page of the form. You will again see different modes of travel. Here is what you will need to do under each scenario:


    You will provide the Designated Pick-Up person. Please designate ALL persons allowed to pick-up your child from camp or the bus drop off location, even if they're not likely to be the actual ones to pick up your camper. Don't forget yourself &/or your spouse; just because you appear as the parent(s) on your household account, that does not mean you will automatically be added to the Designated Pick Up list. We will only allow folks listed below to enter the camp on Departure Day. You will also provide us the Date Of Departure. Again, we know the departure days of each session, but for the accuracy of our reports we ask that you indulge us. IMPORTANT: If your camper is staying for multiple sessions, please put in the date that he or she will ACTUALLY be leaving, after their last session. REMEMBER: We will make a $50 charge to the credit/debit card we have on file for Bus campers.


    You will need to provide Airport, Departure Time, Departure Date, Flight #, & Airline. We will contact you within 2 days before your camper's arrival to give you the name of the person who will be accompanying your camper to the gate. REMEMBER: We will make a $60 charge to the credit/debit card we have on file, each way, for Airport campers.

Do you provide transportation to/from camp?

We do not provide bus transportation to camp. All campers must be dropped off by car.


We will have a bus for DEPARTURE DAYS ONLY for the following sessions:

  • Friday, June 2nd (Adventure Camp/Trails/Adv Wk CIT)
  • Saturday, June 24th (Session 1/Pioneer B/CILT)
  • Saturday, July 8th (Session 2/Explorer B)
  • Saturday, July 22nd (Session 3/Trailseeker B/CIT)

The cost for the bus is $40 per camper. 


We will have airport pick up and drop off available for out of state campers. There will be a $40 transportation fee each way for airport campers.


Most families choose to drop off and pick up their campers by car.

Where is the departure day bus drop off?

The drop-off location will be in the parking lot in front of the Walmart Supercenter on Tatum Blvd. & Bell Rd. The specific address is 4617 E Bell Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85032. 

The departure day bus will run on the following dates:

  • Saturday, June 1st (Adventure Camp/Trails/Adv Wk LIT)
  • Saturday, June 15th (Session 1/Pioneer B/LIT)
  • Saturday, June 29th (Session 2/Explorer B)
  • Saturday, July 13th (Session 3/Trailseeker B/CIT)

The bus will be expected to arrive sometime between 10:30-11:00AM, barring any traffic. Designated pick-up persons can start checking in at 10:00AM. 

Can I walk around and see their cabin during pick up and drop off?

Yep! You’re welcome to go back to the cabin and see where your camper will be living and sleeping during their time at camp. 


We will continue to monitor the state of the ongoing COVID pandemic, and may make adjustments to this policy. We will let our camper families know if that’s the case. Depending on the state of things, we may require all non-campers wear masks inside the cabin, and/or limit access to one family at a time. We’ll keep you updated! 



How long do I wait around before I leave after dropping my camper off?

That’s totally up to you!


We will have light refreshments available during drop off. Help yourself to cookies, lemonade, coffee, & tea! 


Families usually leave within a half hour or so, as beyond the refreshments and seeing the cabin, there isn’t too much to do. Lingering too long can also have a negative affect on the adjustment period for campers; so while it may sound harsh, erring on the shorter side of your stay is usually the better option to choose! 

My camper is flying in/out for camp...how does Airport travel work?

We will have staff at the airport to pick up your camper at their arrival, and likewise our staff will drop off your camper at their departure gate. We’ll be able to let you know the name of the staff person who will accompany your camper within approx. 2 days of the camper’s arrival/departure. 


Otherwise, just put all the flight info on your camper’s travel form and we’ll contact you if we have any questions! 


Please remember: there is a $45 transportation fee each way for airport campers.

I need to drop off or pick up my camper in a different window of time than we've been assigned...how to do I let camp know?

Arriving at camp a day or two late, or getting picked up a little early is totally fine and we’re usually almost always able to accommodate these unique travel plans. 


If you haven’t already completed your travel form, you can indicate the need for any special arrangements on that online form. If you have already submitted the form, feel free to contact us and we can make the change on our end (you won’t be able to make changes yourself once you’ve submitted the form.) 


You can absolutely give us a call, but please also send us an email with your travel info request; that way we have a paper trail!

Do I need all of my paperwork submitted before my camper's arrival?

The short answer is yes. However that’s not always a realistic possibility. Upon check in, we will let you know if we’re missing any forms (in addition to the email reminders we’ll send out in the weeks leading up to camp). Just give us a heads up if you’re planning on bringing any paperwork with you to check in. 

Do I need to let the camp know who is dropping off my camper?

We do not mind or need to know who is doing drop off. The only thing to keep in mind is that if you’re missing any paperwork that need signatures by a parent or guardian, those will need to be submitted before arrival or brought with the camper. 


Pick up is a different story, and we will only allow folks listed on your camper’s designated pick up list to enter the camp property on Departure Day. This includes parents/guardians, despite being listed on the household account! Please add ANYONE & EVERYONE who is allowed to pick up your camper to your designated pick up list. 

I need to change or add someone to the designated pick up person list...how do I do that?

If you haven’t already submitted your travel form, you can list all designated pick up persons on that form.


If you have already submitted the form, please send us an email with the request, and we will update things on our end. You are welcome to call, but we will ask for that email request in addition to establish a paper trail. 


Reminder: don’t forget to put both parents on the designated pick up person list; just because you’re listed as the parent in the account, does not mean you’re automatically added to that pick up list!

What if we're running late?

Stuff happens, especially traffic on the I-17! Just give us a call at (928) 445-2128 or send us an email to info@friendlypines.com letting us know you’re running late. We will of course (and obviously) keep the camper supervised if there’s a delay to your travel plans on departure day. 

What if my camper forgets something in the car? Can I bring it to them?

This happens all the time. If you’re still in the area when you realize you forgot something, you’re certainly welcome to turn around and drop it off at the camp office; we’ll make sure the missing item is turned over to your camper.


You can also send any forgotten items in the mail, and that package won’t be counted towards your camper’s “one package” limitation. 

What's the best way to get to camp?

The physical address for camp is 933 E. Friendly Pines Rd., Prescott, AZ 86303.


If you’re driving from Phoenix, take I-17 to SR-69; follow this to Prescott, then turn south on Senator Highway/Mount Vernon Street. You’ll eventually turn south west onto Marapai Rd.; then, you’ll turn south on Peter Mackin drive, which eventually turns into Friendly Pines Rd. You’ll see signs for camp once you’re on that road! 


You’ll want to avoid GPS directions that have you travel through Wickenburg or Crown King, as those routes extend your trip by a good hour or more and take you on primitive, dirt roads. So just double check the route takes you up I-17! 

Will my car make it to camp? How are the roads?

Yes, though keep in mind that the last half mile into camp is on a dirt road (that’s well maintained). Low clearance vehicles might not be super great for that last stretch, but they will ‘technically’ be able to make the trip. 

Are pets allowed?

While we love all animals at Friendly Pines, for the safety and comfort of all of our campers, guests, and staff, we ask that you leave your dogs and any other non-service animals at home. 

Still have questions?
Email us at info@friendlypines.com
or call us at (928) 445-2128